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Assay results from RCP holes GCHR442-444 have been received.

Holes GCHR442-444 were drilled to test the strike extent of open mineralised zones at Wattle Hill,about 800 metres southeast of Copper Hill.

The holes have returned intercepts within broad zones of mineralisation which will expand the potential for economic mineralisation below the current pit position. (See Figure 1 and 5 for locations)

GCHR442, on section 4550N (Figure 2) was drilled to test up-dip from the deeper GCHR123 [101m at 0.21% copper, 0.14 g/t gold] and through the intercept in previous hole MEXCHD02 [62m at 0.30% copper, 0.17 g/t gold], based on an interpreted easterly dip to the mineralisation.

GCHR442 returned 62m at 0.34% copper, 0.38 g/t gold, with the improved grades likely to have a positive impact on the next pit optimisation, and an increase in economic mineralisation captured by an extended pit boundary. The deeper intercept of 18m at 0.31% copper, 0.19 g/t gold ends in mineralisation (as does the deeper intercept in GCHR123), and provides a target for follow-up drilling.

GCHR 443, on section 4350N (Figure 3) was drilled to test 50m north along strike from historical hole CHM17 [62m at 0.26% copper, 0.17 g/t gold] and NCR014 [41m at 0.33% copper, 0.3 g/t gold]

GCHR444, on section 4250N (Figure 4) was drilled to test 50m along strike to the south of CHM17 and NCR014. The hole returned intercepts which may generate a southwards extension of the current pit in future optimisation models.

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