1. Company Presentation November 2018
2. PainChek® - Giving a voice to people that cannot verbalise pain
3. The PainChek Solution
4. Our Initial Target Markets
5. Initial Market Opportunity – Carers of People living with Dementia
6. The Team
7. Challenge Of Managing Pain For People With Dementia
8. The PainChek® Dementia App
9. The Innate Human Behaviours Are Expressed Through Facial Muscles
10. PainChek - Intelligent Pain Assessment
11. Helping carers identify the presence of pain when it isn’t obvious…
12. ...quantifying the severity of pain when it is……
13. and monitoring the effectiveness of interventions
14. PainChek® Australian RAC and Home Care business model
15. PainChek® strong sales momentum in Australia
16. Our Clients
17. PainChek - Intelligent Pain Assessment
18. PainChek Highlights
19. Available on smartphone and tablet
20. Thank you
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