Gorilla Gold Hits High-Grade Gold at Comet Vale

17/03/2025 14:18:55

Gorilla Gold Mines Ltd (ASX: GG8) has announced further high-grade gold intercepts from exploratory drilling at its Comet Vale Project, 97km north of Kalgoorlie, WA. The results stem from the Lakeview and Sovereign Prospects. Key intercepts include 14m @ 7.2 g/t Au from 122m at Lakeview (LVEX012) and 13m @ 5.1 g/t Au from 191m at Sovereign (STEX077). These results demonstrate the continuity of mineralization along strike from previously reported discoveries.

At Lakeview, drilling is ongoing to extend the discovery down-dip and along strike. Additional environmental and heritage surveys are slated to commence alongside metallurgical test work. A second RC rig is scheduled to begin drilling at Lakeview in two weeks, with diamond drilling planned for April.

Sovereign Prospect, which has a historical production of >200koz @ >20g/t Au, is also seeing ongoing diamond drilling to extend a newly discovered lode at depth, while finishing RC drill holes. The company expects a steady stream of newsflow in the coming weeks, including more results from Lakeview, maiden results from Mulwarrie, and a Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) update from Vivien.

The Comet Vale Project has a Mineral Resource Estimate of 96koz @ 4.8 g/t Au and is strategically located on granted mining leases with the Goldfields Highway running through it. Gorilla Gold aims to expand the high-grade gold resource base at Comet Vale. CEO Charles Hughes notes the latest results from Lakeview indicate continuity of mineralisation, spurring further extensional drilling and resource expansion efforts.