K2 Asset Management: CEO Sessions Melbourne

16/09/2015 14:50:00

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K2 was developed back in 1999. It was developed by Campbell Neal and Mark Newman. And we’ve had a successful 16 year history.
We’re an equity market fund manager and we’re based in Melbourne. And that is all we do, invest in equities. We align our interests with those of the end client. K2 Asset Management is an ASX-listed company, and at present around 80 percent of the company is still owned by the founders, directors, staff and related parties.
Unlike a lot of fund management firms around Australia, we are solely focused on performance; we’re not an asset gatherer. What we want to do is we want to manage money to the best of our ability and make sure that our end clients get our best potential returns. We’re not interested in being the biggest fund manager. We actually want to be the best fund manager. And all of our incentives are lined up with the best results for the customers.