Mitula Group reports record number of visits

16/02/2016 07:58:00

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The Mitula Group Limited (ASX:MUA) has recorded a strong start to 2016, with a record number of visits and click outs from its network of sites in January.
The classifieds vertical search group received 61.3 million visits to its network of sites in January 2016, a 21 percent increase from January 2015.
The Mitula Group said the APAC region grew the most, delivering 31.1 percent year on year growth.
Mitula Group CEO Gonzalo del Pozo said the results point to a reduction in reliance on organic search for visits and added that the company is confident it is on track to deliver on its CY 2015 and FY 2016 forecasts.
Mitula Group recorded a net profit of $880,000 at 30 September 2015.