CBH Resources Ltd (ASX:CBH) ramp up at Endeavor Mine on track
15/04/2010 11:32:00
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Zinc, lead and silver miner CBH Resources Ltd (ASX:CBH) says its flagship Endeavor Mine continued to perform well in the third quarter.
The miner reported production of 13,677 tonnes of zinc and 8,269 tonnes of lead with metal production up 7.7% compared to the December quarter of 2009.
CBH says it remains on track with plans to ramp up production to 850,000 tonnes a year.
The miner says its Endeavor Mine is well positioned to increase production at a time when metals prices have improved significantly.
Looking ahead CBH says metal production is to increase by 25% in the fourth quarter of this financial year, with a further increase to 850,000 tonnes per annum from July this year, effectively doubling current metal production.
The company says it is also focused on obtaining approval for the mining and processing or ore at Rasp in Broken Hill with approvals planned to be in place by the end of 2010 which will allow development to start early next year.
CBH Resources posted a $96.63 million loss for fiscal 2009.