Aus Tin Mining (ASX:ANW) Granville Tin Project Expansion

04/07/2017 14:35:00

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Aus Tin Mining (ASX:ANW) is one of two ASX listed Tin producers. We are operating the Granville Tin Project on the West Coast of Tasmania, and we are developing the Taronga Tin Project in Northern New South Wales.

We also hold some very prospective exploration ground in Northern New South Wales for Tin and Queensland for Cobalt.

The Granville expansion was approved by the West Coast Council on the 20 June. It was after an 18 month application period, which included extensive consultation with the council, also EPA Tasmania and other regulatory bodies. The approval will enable us to resume mining at the high grade Tin Granville East Mine, which is north of Zeehan.

The open cut was previously operating on a small scale by some private operators but most recently has been on care and maintenance. There is an existing pit there. It is about 20 metres deep and there is an exposed magnetite considerate scan.