Precious Metals Investment Symposium 2017 sneak preview

31/10/2017 17:20:00

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Finance News Network Transcription of Interview with Symposium, Managing Director, Kerry Stevenson to discuss Precious Metals Investment Symposium 2017.

Jessica Amir: Hi I’m Jessica Amir for the Finance News Network. Joining me from Symposium, to discuss the upcoming 2017 Precious Metals Investment Symposium is Managing Director, Kerry Stevenson. Kerry hi and welcome back.

Kerry Stevenson: Thanks Jess. Nice to be here.

Jessica Amir: So first up. You’ve been running the event for many years, but it’s the first time you ever that you are taking the event to Melbourne. But can you can you start off by giving us an introduction to the event?

Kerry Stevenson: Sure. We have been running the Precious Metals Investment Symposium for nine years now. This year it will be in Melbourne for the first time. It’s a way for the industry and the investment community to get together and understand the importance of having precious metals as part of your portfolio.

Precious metals should be a part of every investors portfolio and we have everything I guess from dirt to coin. So, the mining companies the bullion and traders and the dealers as well as the investors, the bankers, the stock brokers. People that are interested in precious metals and during a volatile time in the world, there’s never been a more important time than to have a look at where precious metals is going.

Jessica Amir: And what’s your outlook for 2018?

Kerry Stevenson: I think that 2018 is going to be a very interesting time globally, if you have a look around the world there’s a lot of debt in the world today, and there are a lot of companies out there saying that they’re the next big thing and I think that it is really important, I say this to most people, the best investment you can make is to invest in your own education, just don’t go out there and somebody tells you to invest in a certain company. Do your own research.

What’s my outlook for 2018, well, if you look at the price of gold over the past year it has increased across all currencies and, as I say to everybody. Look, I wouldn’t bet your house and your children on it but, you should certainly get yourself educated about why you should hold precious metals and that’s either physical gold, or by way of investing in the mining companies and there are a plethora of mining companies that will be down in Melbourne this year.

Jessica Amir: So, why do you think people should really attend this year?

Kerry Stevenson: This year for the very first time, we are going to be talking about cryptocurrencies in gold. We all know that Bitcoin, has been the talk of the town lately and there’s been a lot of money being made, there’s a lot of talk about is it a bubble?

We are going to be talking for three hours all about cryptocurrencies and I’m bringing out some amazing speakers to talk about that. They’re going to be talking about what you should look for and how to get yourself educated.

We’ve got one of the smartest investors in the world, Eric Sprott from Kirkland Lake Gold (ASX:TSE) (Chairman). He was a big investor in precious metals and still is. He has projects in Victoria and I’m sure he’s going to be on the lookout for what’s happening in Australia in the precious metals sector.

David Morgan, from The Morgan Report is coming out. He will be speaking on Friday morning but, he will also be joining a panel discussion at the end of the day. The panel discussion is about educating people about cryptocurrencies. And David Morgan has got a currency backed by Silver.

I think that it is important, as it is a bit of a wild west out there at the moment, so, do not take what people say to you as gospel, go and get yourself educated. We have many mining companies coming to PMIS 2017 and it’s all the way through from dirt to coin, as I like to say.

Jessica Amir:
What mining companies have you got coming along this year? We have a very full agenda this year, we have squeezed as much as we can into PMIS 2017. Just to make mention, Nick Mather, CEO of Sol Gold PLC (ASX:SLG) will be coming down to present. They have an enormous VMS (Volcanogenic massive sulphide) discovery over in Cascabel, Northern Ecuador. That has enormous upside. There has been a great rush to Pilbara, for the Schwidtz water and style deposit.

So De Grey Mining (ASX:DEG) who have an enormous uplift in shares will be coming along and speaking. Southern Gold’s (ASX:SAU) Managing Director, Simon Mitchell will be coming along, they are in production, another one in production is Brian Dixon of Blackham Resources (ASX:BLK) with over one million ounces of gold currently. So there is enough for everybody, from are explorers to developers.

Jessica Amir: And last question now Kerry. Tell us about this year’s annual awards dinner.

Kerry Stevenson: I am actually very excited this year, we have a key note speaker, a futurist on precious metals. I have spoken to this guy, and he has never been to Australia before and he is extraordinary. Along with that, we also have The Annual Hall of Fame Award, The Gavin Thomas Mining Award and The Maggie Bullion Award and I can’t tell you the winners are but, it is going to be a fabulous evening.

Jessica Amir: And just before we let you go, how can people find out more information.

Kerry Stevenson: Very simply Jess, and they can purchase their tickets online and we look forward to seeing everybody there.

Jessica Amir: Kerry Stevenson thanks for the update, we will look to seeing you at the event as well.
