Experience Co profits rise sky high

13/02/2018 08:16:00

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Experience Co (ASX:EXP) formerly Skydive The Beach has reported its net profit after tax (NPAT) rose about 28 per cent in the half year to December 2017 to $4.6 million.

In more good news for the company, its revenue strengthened over the six months and lifted 52 per cent from the same time last year to $59.2 million.

Its earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortszation (EBITDA) increased 37 per cent to $11.2 million.

The company declared a fully franked dividend of 1 cent per share in September last year.

It's been a busy half year for the travel adventure company which acquired a number of companies including two hot air ballooning businesses as well as a helicopter business.

Shares in Experience Co (ASX:EXP) closed about 1.31 per cent lower yesterday at $0.76.