Caltex Q1 profit after tax was $155 million

11/05/2018 11:45:00

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Caltex Australia (ASX:CTX) today announced that its unaudited 2018 first quarter profit after tax was $155 million, in line with the prior corresponding period result of $154 million.

Excluding unfavourable externalities of $7 million (after tax), the underlying first quarter profit after tax is up just over 1 per cent.

The Lytton refinery continues to operate well, with sales of transport fuels from production up 8 per cent compared with the prior corresponding period.

The lower refiner margin has resulted in a first quarter Lytton EBIT of $47 million, down 28 per cent from $66 million in the same period last year.

Shares in Caltex Australia (ASX:CTX) are up 0.94 per cent to $30.16