Credit Corp Group (ASX:CCP): FY18 Results Presentation

31/07/2018 08:40:00

Credit Corp Group Limited (ASX:CCP) CEO, Thomas Beregi presents the company's FY18 results.

FY18 Financial Results:

  FY18 FY17 $ change
Aus/NZ debt buying  $195.7m $186.4m + $9.3m
Aus/NZ lending $79.3m $66.4m + $12.9m
US debt buying $24.0m $13.1m + $10.9m
Revenue total $299.0m $265.9m + $33.1m
Aus/NZ debt buying  $46.3m $43.9m + $2.4m
Aus/NZ lending $16.1m $12.3m + $3.8m
US debt buying $1.9m ($1.0m) + $2.9m
NPAT total $64.3m $55.2m + $9.1m
EPS (basic) 135.1cps 116.8cps +18.3cps
Dividend 67.0cps 58.0cps +9.0cps

Thomas Beregi, CEO of Credit Corp Group (ASX:CCP) presents its 2018 full year results. 

He says, 'Our objective is leadership of the credit impaired consumer segment. We define our market as people who have had trouble with credit, most having defaulted on a previous credit obligation. We operate in very competitive businesses and three competencies are critical to our success. We must have superior analytics and discipline, because our business is all about pricing and managing risk. Our operations must be strong to compete. We must be sustainable and compliant to deliver on our promise to our debt sale clients, other stakeholders and the community. This ensures that our business can continue. Applying these competencies we target to deliver strong earnings growth into the future, while producing acceptable returns (a Return on Equity of 18 per cent) with a conservative financial structure. We have strong metrics and approaches for each of these competencies across our three businesses...' 

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Watch Presentation.