ERM not impacted by ESG pipeline withdrawal

21/11/2011 11:28:00

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ERM Power Limited (ASX:EPW) is assuring the market that Santos Limited’s (ASX:STO) withdrawal of Eastern Star Gas Limited’s (ASX:ESG) application for a pipeline route from Narrabri to Wellington in rural NSW has no impact on their own proposed gas-fired power station at Wellington.

The Wellington project will include a 220 kilometre gas pipeline, running from Young in the state’s south to Wellington in the state’s central west, connecting Wellington to the Moomba, to Sydney gas pipelines and all major gas suppliers.

ERM Power chief executive Phillip St Baker says the company’s expected to make a financial investment decision on the project in the 2014 calendar year.

ERM Power Limited (ASX:EPW) reported a net profit of $16 million in the full year to June 30, 2011.