Potash West: Gold Coast Presentation
25/06/2012 15:20:00
Potash West NL (ASX:PWN) Managing Director, Patrick McManus details the potash developer’s operations at the June 2012 Gold Coast Resources Showcase.
I’d like to give you a bit of background about our Company, Potash West NL (ASX:PWN), what we’re trying to do and working on, potentially a large source of potash in the Dandaragan Trough, not too far from Perth. Which is an essential component in the fertilizer industry, and is something that Australia currently doesn’t produce but imports all of its requirements.
A quick overview of the Company: We have about 84 million shares on issue now. Our share price is about 25 cents, our market cap is about, just a bit over $20 million. We listed in May 2011, so we’ve been about 12 months as a listed company.
The Board: Adrian Griffin and George Sakalidis are both geologists with strong experience in exploration and small cap companies and a range of commodities. Gary Johnson is a hydro-metallurgist and he and his people and expertise is vital in the processing technology we’re developing to extract the potassium from glauconite.
My background is in industrial minerals. For a number of years I’ve worked in various operations, mostly in mineral sands but also in iron ore and lime.
Excerpt endsWatch Presentation.