Dongfang announces record 2018 harvest

14/01/2019 11:20:00

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Agricultural producer, Dongfang Modern (ASX:DFM) has announced a record 2018 harvest.

The company expects more bumper results for the year ahead, with strong demand for its camellia, navel oranges, pomelo and tangerines.

Dongfang is well placed to supply the increasing demand for camellia seed with a record harvest of 11,900 tonnes anticipated by the producer.

In 2018 the company acquired a 526-hectare camellia plantation, which increased the group's camellia portfolio by 10 per cent.

Dongfang has recently diversified into health supplements buying up a 70 per cent stake in Bio Health Pharmaceuticals. 

Shares in Dongfang Modern (ASX:DFM) are trading flat at $1.00.