e-Commerce company RooLife Group Ltd (ASX:RLG) has executed a binding term sheet agreement with China-based e-commerce and supply chain business, Fujian Jushi Supply Chain Management Co., for it to market and sell RLG’s portfolio of products and other requested products which it orders from RLG. Shares are trading 50 per cent higher at 0.9 cents.
Platina Resources (ASX:PGM) has confirmed a large extension of oxide gold mineralisation at its Xanadu Project in Western Australia’s Ashburton Basin following the completion of its phase two (RC) drilling campaign. A total of 15 RC holes for 2,186m were drilled in Xanadu’s western tenements to test a defined 8km-long gold mineralised corridor within a regional scale structural setting which hosts the Mt Olympus gold deposit. Shares are flat at 2 cents.
AuKing Mining Limited (ASX:AKN) today announced that together with its local partner, Barg Alsaman Mining Company that it had been invited to participate in the 5th Licensing Round for certain prospective exploration projects by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Auking CEO, Paul Williams commented: “ These project areas are very prospective for gold, copper, silver and other base metals and situated in the Arabian Shield geological region of western Saudi Arabia”, he said. “AuKing is very pleased to have this early opportunity to work with BSMC with the proposed tenders, which close in early May and with final awards by the Government on 23 May 2024.” Shares are trading 18.18 per cent higher 2.6 cents.