Consolidated group operating revenue $31.2m (up 6.5 per cent)
Strong growth in sales to customers of hardware products
Consolidated gross profit up 12.6 per cent to $27m, with gross margins up 4 percentage points to 86 per cent
Segment adjusted profit before tax up 63 per cent to $3.6m after eliminating the impact of variable consideration
Strong growth in customer demand for Senetas encryptors included the largest single sale in the company's history
Inventory holdings have begun to reduce, and Thales inventory has stabilised
Sales pipeline grew significantly through the 2023 calendar year, but moderated during the second half of FY2024 as sales transactions were completed
Core R&D projects included upgrades to Senetas's 10Gbps encryptors, a new version of the 100Gbps encryptor and recertification required in North America