360 Capital Industrial Fund continues to deliver growth

10/06/2014 14:50:00

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FNN speaks with 360 Capital Group Limited’s (ASX:TGP) Fund Manager for the Group’s listed Industrial Fund, 360 Capital Industrial Fund (ASX:TIX), Ben Butler.
360 Capital Group is a diversified funds management and co-investment group based in Sydney specialising in Australian real estate. 
The 360 Capital Industrial Fund is an ASX listed real estate investment trust with the sole purpose of investing in stabilised, secure income producing Australian industrial property.
Mr Butler outlines the characteristics of 360 Capital Industrial Fund’s assets; the number of assets in the fund, location, quality and mix.
The Fund’s performed over the past year is also discussed, the factors which contributed to performance and forecast annual operating earnings per unit.
Mr Butler lists the characteristics which make industrial property attractive to investors and shares the Fund’s outlook for the sector.