Under a joint venture, Cimic’s
(ASX:CIM) CPB Contractors has been selected to deliver the civil and alignment works for the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport rail link between Orchard Hills and the new Western Sydney Airport Station.
The joint venture is made up of CPB Contractors and United Infrastructure, a consortium of Western Sydney-based companies including Burton Contractors, JK Williams and Mulgoa Quarries.
Funded by the Australian and NSW Governments, the contract is expected to generate revenue of around $395 million. Work will commence in 2022 and is scheduled to be completed in 2024.
“We’re proud to be part of delivering this important transport infrastructure for Western Sydney, and its contribution to the area’s growth,” said Cimic’s chief executive officer Juan Santamaria.
“The airport and associated transport projects are central to Sydney’s economic future, and we’ll be ensuring that local communities benefit through the creation of employment and supplier opportunities.”
Shares in Cimic
(ASX:CIM) are trading 0.1 per cent lower at $22.02.