Drillsearch Energy Announces $48 Million Capital Raising
Drillsearch Energy Limited (ABN 73 006 474 844) (Drillsearch) is pleased to announce an equity capital raising (Capital Raising) to raise gross proceeds of approximately $48 million. The Capital Raising consists of:
- a placement to institutional investors of 29.4 million fully paid ordinary shares (Shares) at an offer price of $0.51 per Share (Placement Price) to raise $15.0 million (Unconditional Placement);
- a placement to institutional investors of 31.4 million Shares at the Placement Price of $0.51 per Share to raise $16.0 million (subject to shareholder approval at a general meeting expected to be held on or around 17 June 2011) (Conditional Placement); (together, the Placement); and
- a 3 for 20 fully underwritten, non-renounceable, pro rata entitlement offer to existing eligible shareholders (Entitlement Offer) at an issue price of $0.48 per Share (Entitlement Price) to raise an additional $17.0 million.
The Placement Price of $0.51 per Share represents a 12.8% discount to the last closing price of Drillsearch Shares ($0.585) prior to entering a trading halt while it conducted the Placement, and a 15.0% discount to the five-day volume weighted average price prior to entering a trading halt.
Wilson HTM Corporate Finance Ltd is the Lead Manager of the Capital Raising and underwriter of the Entitlement Offer.
Drillsearch will use the proceeds from the Capital Raising primarily to progress the PEL 91 oil exploration and development program, develop the PEL 106B wet gas pilot project and undertake a broad exploration program across Drillsearch's oil, wet gas and unconventional businesses. Further detail s of the use of proceeds from the Capital Raising are contained in Drillsearch's presentation lodged with the ASX on 16 May 2011.
Drillsearch shareholders eligible to participate in the Entitlement Offer will shortly receive an entitlement offer booklet and a personalised entitlement and acceptance form which will provide further details of how to participate.
Further details relating to the Entitlement Offer, including the eligibility criteria for participation, the ability of eligible shareholders to apply for additional shares in excess of their entitlement, and the timetable for the Entitlement Offer, are set out in Annexure A.
The Conditional Placement is subject to obtaining shareholder approval at a general meeting of shareholders to be held on or around 17 June 2011.
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