-- Mt Pleasant Project (EL9266) has been granted by the NSW Mines Department – total area of 167 sq km.
-- The Mt Pleasant Mo-W-Cu prospect area has been classified as advance with over 56 Percussion/Diamond drillholes totalling over 15,887m.
-- All core is retained at the NSW Geological Survey Lononderry Core Facility.
-- The molybdenum and tungsten mineralisation envelop has been modelled in 3D leapfrog software
---- Mineralisation has over 1,105m in length, 700m in width and 540m vertical in depth.
-- MinRex will undertake detailed airborne geophysics interpretation over the whole exploration licence along with the commencement of the first 2012 JORC compliant resource over Mt Pleasant prospect.
-- Drillhole mineralisation hosting molybdenum vary from 9m to 213.3m in vertical depth.
-- The Mt Pleasant prospect provides an accessible, large-scale porphyry system which has received little modern exploration. Drilling, geophysics, geology, and geochemistry provide ready vectors for two immediate target areas.
-- Other prospects with Mt Pleasant project include:
---- Aaron Pass Mo-W prospect (classified as pipe/vein system).
---- Crown Gold Mine (classified as sulphide-quartz gold vein system) with production of 349 oz Au averaging 5.3 g/t Au.
---- Two Auriferous (gold) placer prospects to the SSW portion of licence have no exploration conducted.
---- Glasscock Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn prospect (classified as epithermal sheeted vein system) hosting high grade rock chip from surface along with confirmed drilled sulphide mineralisation at depth.
-- Both Mt Pleasant and Glasscock areas can be quickly advanced with modern geophysics (ground IP) and drilling testing.
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