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MinRex Resources Acquires Another Lithium Project

-- MinRex adds to the current position ~890 km2 of granted exploration licenses across 14 projects within the highly prospective region of Pilbara, Western Australia (Figure 1).
-- MinRex continues its aggressive Pilbara tenement acquisition plan to become an emergent lithium explorer with high-quality assets within a 30-70km radius world-class Lithium and Tantalum producers Pilbara Minerals (ASX: PLS) Pilgangoora, Mineral Resources (ASX: MRL) Wodgina and close by Global Lithium (ASX: GL1).
-- The new Garden Creek Lithium Project (EL 45/4569) is located approximately 19 kilometres north of the Marble Bar Township close to sealed Marble Bar- Port Hedland Highway (Figure 1).
-- The Garden Creek Lithium project is a strategic addition to MinRex’s Sisters and Moolyella North Lithium Projects, which lie immediately adjacent to ASX listed Global Lithium Limited (ASX: GL1) Archer Lithium Deposit (10.5Mt @ 1.0% Li2O). Garden Creek is located approximately 5.5km to the north in the same lithium mineralised greenstone belt hosting the Archer Deposit (Figure 2).
-- Garden Creek, Sisters and Moolyella North Lithium Projects comprise over 70 square kilometres and no modern exploration for lithium (see ASX announcement 14 January 2022).
-- Garden Creek Lithium Project (E45/4569) Hosts the Garden Creek tin-tantalum alluvial prospect hosted within extensive pegmatites with nodrilling present- or modern-day exploration.
-- All 3 MinRex Marble Bar Projects display similar extensive linear potassic responses as the Archer Lithium Deposit – potassic zones outlining pegmatite hosted lithium mineralisation (Figure 3).

MinRex Resources Limited (ASX: MRR) (“MinRex” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that Odette Five (to be acquired by MinRex) has secured mineral rights to battery metals over an exploration licence application known as the Garden Creek Lithium Project (E45/5869) from existing holder True Fella Pty Ltd. The Garden Creek Lithium Project is a strategic addition to MinRex’ Sisters Project (E45/5871) and Moolyella North Lithium Project (E45/5873), which are all in close proximity to the Archer Lithium Deposit 100% owned by Global Lithium (ASX: GL1) (Figure 1). A summary of the material terms of the acquisition is set out in Appendix A.

The acquisition represents a future next step in MinRex’s tenement acquisition plan to become an emergent lithium explorer with high-quality assets within a 70km radius world-class Lithium and Tantalum producers Pilbara Minerals (ASX: PLS) Pilgangoora, Mineral Resources (ASX: MRL) Wodgina and close to the Archer Lithium Deposit 100% owned by Global Lithium (ASX: GL1).

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