Media Releases › MinRex Resources View All MinRex Resources News MinRex Resources - Drilling Intersects Thick Pegmatites at Sisters Lithium Proj 19 Oct 2022 09:35 AM HIGHLIGHTS First pass fifteen (15) RC drillholes totalling 2,355m completed with most drillholes intersecting extensive thick stacked sheeted pegmatites at depth. Thicker intersections are: - MBRC001 intersected 21m of Pegmatite from 134m - MBRC002 intersected 4m of Pegmatite from 43m - MBRC007 intersected 9m of Pegmatite from 17m - MBRC010 intersected 4m of Pegmatite from 18m including 4m of Pegmatite from 34m 9m of Pegmatite from 86m - MBRC011 intersected 4m of Pegmatite from 64m including 8m of Pegmatite from 87m 14m of Pegmatite from 108m - MBRC013 intersected 4m of Pegmatite from 45m - MBRC014 intersected 4m of pegmatite from 12m including 4m of pegmatite from 26m 14m of Pegmatite from 65m 8m of Pegmatite from 167m 7m of Pegmatite from 199m Ground reconnaissance and rock chip sampling over Sisters Southern Zone pegmatites identified two extensive lithium bearing pegmatites previously unknown within the Apex Basalt Greenstone. Three strongly anomalous rock chip samples assayed between 0.21% Li2O and 0.29% Li2O with anomalous rubidium assays from 121 to 776 ppm Rb. The rubidium assay results highlight key indicator element for potential lithium mineralisation in weathered environments. Zone 1 rock chip sample 0.29% Li20 (1,340 ppm Li) from weathered Pegmatite is located approximately 720m south-southeast of the current drilling area. Zone 2 rock chip sample 0.23% Li20 (1,070 ppm Li) from a Pegmatite located approximately 1.85km west of the current drilling area. Most of the pegmatites in the Sisters Prospect area are concealed beneath extensive Tertiary floodplains. For more information, download the attached PDF. Download this document