Media Releases › North Stawell Minerals View All North Stawell Minerals News North Stawell Minerals - Quarterly Activities Report 31 Oct 2023 10:48 AM Highlights: During the rainy season, data, planning, training,and research were a focus. One hole was returned from the Caledonia prospect: o 1.3m at 2.29g/t Au from 63.1m (NSD051) Corporate activity focused on M&A strategyand on-going funding options. Review of targets sets some clear priorities for on-going exploration: o Wildwood includes multiple additional targets that match the Stawell gold model. Darlington presents compelling deeper targets based on prior diamond drilling. o Forsaken and Caledonia are priority targets fornear-surface air core programs. Multiple additional targets are queued if required. o Numerical modelling mapping possible dilation requires testing. Regional government surveys may indicate airborne EM will be effective at Stawell. WIM-style Heavy Mineral Sand and Rare EarthElement (HMS-REE) potential is plausible. For more information, download the attached PDF. Download this document