- Study confirms technical & financial viability of single superphosphate (SSP) production at the Dandaragan Trough Project
- Phosphate resources at Dinner Hill can support an operation producing over 340,000 tpa of SSP for over 20 years
- Ability to produce commodity grade SSP confirmed
- Average Revenues per year of A$131 million
- Estimated average total annual cash costs of A$97.6 million
- IRR of 26%
- NPV8% of A$218 million
- Low capital costs of $144M, inclusive of indirect costs
- Payback in under four years
- Straightforward, established mining method
- Low cost and simple processing
- Progressing towards a Definitive Feasibility Study.
Potash West (the Company) (ASX:PWN) is pleased to announce it has received positive results from a Scoping Study targeting single superphosphate production on its wholly owned Dandaragan Trough Project, located 150km north of Perth in Western Australia.
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