The last three holes of an RC drill program at QMC’s 100% owned Young Australian Project, south Cloncurry, Queensland, has almost repeated the broad high grade copper mineralisation intercepts reported previously. The mineralisation is still open along strike and at depth. Drilling returned the following very significant copper, silver and cobalt assays:
- 36m @ 1.11% Cu from 51m, including
6m @ 2.03% Cu and 1.32g/t Ag from 64m in Hole YA10RC12
- 43m @ 0.86% Cu and 1.33g/t Ag from 93m, including
6m @ 1.85% Cu and 1.57g/t Ag from 102m, plus
1m@ 4.76% Cu and 15g/t Ag from 129m in Hole YA10RC13
- 51m @ 0.8% Cu and 1.48g/t Ag from 121m, including
14m @ 1.38% Cu, 1.76g/t Ag and 112ppm Co from 129m in Hole YA10RC23
- Mineralisation remains open at depth and along strike
- Further step-out, infill and deeper drilling is planned to commence Q1
2011, to enhance the estimation of the JORC-compliant copper, cobalt
and silver resources
“The Company is further encouraged by these very positive drill results obtained from the Young Australian drill program. These high-grade intercepts, recorded along strike from the previously mined orebodies, has significantly extended the strike extent of the mineralisation and should allow QMC to estimate meaningful JORC resources at the Young Australian project.” said Howard Renshaw, Managing Director of QMC
(ASX:QMN). “The Company is currently very active in seeking various Joint Venture partners and
strategic alliances for their various projects south of Cloncurry.”
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